
更新时间:2024-01-10 13:49:50

常用名 (2-Aminophenyl)(cyclohexyl)methanone 英文名 (2-Aminophenyl)(cyclohexyl)methanone
CAS号 3432-87-9 分子量 203.28000
密度 1.094g/cm3 沸点 347.9ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C13H17NO 熔点 N/A
MSDS N/A 闪点 164.2ºC


英文名 (2-Aminophenyl)(cyclohexyl)methanone
英文别名 更多


密度 1.094g/cm3
沸点 347.9ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C13H17NO
分子量 203.28000
闪点 164.2ºC
精确质量 203.13100
PSA 43.09000
LogP 3.61300
折射率 1.576


海关编码 2922399090






文献:LABORATOIRE BIODIM; CHASSET, Sophie; CHEVREUIL, Francis; LEDOUSSAL, Benoit; LE STRAT, Frederic; BENAROUS, Richard Patent: WO2012/140243 A1, 2012 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 64 ;





文献:Stokes, Benjamin J.; Vogel, Carl V.; Urnezis, Linda K.; Pan, Minjie; Driver, Tom G. Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 12 p. 2884 - 2887





文献:Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Patent: US4885367 A1, 1989 ;





文献:Bolli, Martin H.; Marfurt, Judith; Grisostomi, Corinna; Boss, Christoph; Binkert, Christoph; Hess, Patrick; Treiber, Alexander; Thorin, Eric; Morrison, Keith; Buchmann, Stephan; Bur, Daniel; Ramuz, Henri; Clozel, Martine; Fischli, Walter; Weller, Thomas Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 47, # 11 p. 2776 - 2795





文献:Carter, Malcolm C.; Alber, Dagmar G.; Baxter, Robert C.; Bithell, Sian K.; Budworth, Jo; Chubb, Ann; Cockerill, G. Stuart; Dowdell, Verity C. L.; Henderson, Elisa A.; Keegan, Sally J.; Kelsey, Richard D.; Lockyer, Michael J.; Stables, Jeremy N.; Wilson, Lara J.; Powell, Kenneth L. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 7 p. 2311 - 2319





文献:Carter, Malcolm C.; Alber, Dagmar G.; Baxter, Robert C.; Bithell, Sian K.; Budworth, Jo; Chubb, Ann; Cockerill, G. Stuart; Dowdell, Verity C. L.; Henderson, Elisa A.; Keegan, Sally J.; Kelsey, Richard D.; Lockyer, Michael J.; Stables, Jeremy N.; Wilson, Lara J.; Powell, Kenneth L. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 7 p. 2311 - 2319





文献:Carter, Malcolm C.; Alber, Dagmar G.; Baxter, Robert C.; Bithell, Sian K.; Budworth, Jo; Chubb, Ann; Cockerill, G. Stuart; Dowdell, Verity C. L.; Henderson, Elisa A.; Keegan, Sally J.; Kelsey, Richard D.; Lockyer, Michael J.; Stables, Jeremy N.; Wilson, Lara J.; Powell, Kenneth L. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 49, # 7 p. 2311 - 2319


海关编码 2922399090
中文概述 2922399090 其他氨基醛、氨基酮及其盐(包括氨基醌及其盐,但含有一种以上含氧基的除外). 增值税率:17.0% 退税率:9.0% 监管条件:无 最惠国关税:6.5% 普通关税:30.0%
申报要素 品名, 成分含量, 用途, 乙醇胺及其盐应报明色度, 乙醇胺及其盐应报明包装
Summary 2922399090 other amino-aldehydes, amino-ketones and amino-quinones, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function; salts thereof VAT:17.0% Tax rebate rate:9.0% Supervision conditions:none MFN tariff:6.5% General tariff:30.0%


2-amino-phenyl cyclohexyl ketone
Toluene-4-sulfonic acid 2-amino-phenyl ester
2-aminophenyl p-toluenesulfonate
2'-aminophenyl 4-toluenesulfonate
2-aminophenyl 4-methylbenzenesulfonate