
2170484-59-8 structure
2170484-59-8 structure

Name Fmoc-N-PEG24-acid
Synonyms MFCD11041159
Description Fmoc-N-PEG24-acid is a PEG-based PROTAC linker that can be used in the synthesis of PROTACs[1].
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In Vitro PROTACs contain two different ligands connected by a linker; one is a ligand for an E3 ubiquitin ligase and the other is for the target protein. PROTACs exploit the intracellular ubiquitin-proteasome system to selectively degrade target proteins[1].

[1]. An S, et al. Small-molecule PROTACs: An emerging and promising approach for the development of targeted therapy drugs. EBioMedicine. 2018 Oct;36:553-562

Molecular Formula C66H113NO28
Molecular Weight 1368.59