Virology 2015-03-01

TYLCV-Is movement in planta does not require V2 protein.

Hagit Hak, Yael Levy, Sam A Chandran, Eduard Belausov, Abraham Loyter, Moshe Lapidot, Yedidya Gafni

文献索引:Virology 477 , 56-60, (2015)



Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a major tomato pathogen causing extensive crop losses, is a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus. V2 mutants of TYLCV-Is and related viruses tend to induce symptomless infection with attenuated viral DNA levels, while accumulating close to wild-type DNA levels in protoplasts, suggesting V2 as a movement protein. The discovery of plant-silencing mechanisms and viral silencing suppressors, V2 included, led us to reconsider V2׳s involvement in viral movement. We studied two mutant versions of the virus, one impaired in V2 silencing-suppression activity, and another carrying a non-translatable V2. While both mutant viruses spread in the infected plant to newly emerged leaves at the same rate as the wild-type virus, their DNA-accumulation levels were tenfold lower than in the wild-type virus. Thus, we suggest that the setback in virus proliferation, previously ascribed to a movement impediment, is due to lack of silencing-suppression activity.Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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