Journal of Cell Biology 2014-12-08

CDK5 is a major regulator of the tumor suppressor DLC1.

Brajendra K Tripathi, Xiaolan Qian, Philipp Mertins, Dunrui Wang, Alex G Papageorge, Steven A Carr, Douglas R Lowy

文献索引:J. Cell Biol. 207(5) , 627-42, (2014)



DLC1 is a tumor suppressor protein whose full activity depends on its presence at focal adhesions, its Rho-GTPase activating protein (Rho-GAP) function, and its ability to bind several ligands, including tensin and talin. However, the mechanisms that regulate and coordinate these activities remain poorly understood. Here we identify CDK5, a predominantly cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase, as an important regulator of DLC1 functions. The CDK5 kinase phosphorylates four serines in DLC1 located N-terminal to the Rho-GAP domain. When not phosphorylated, this N-terminal region functions as an autoinhibitory domain that places DLC1 in a closed, inactive conformation by efficiently binding to the Rho-GAP domain. CDK5 phosphorylation reduces this binding and orchestrates the coordinate activation DLC1, including its localization to focal adhesions, its Rho-GAP activity, and its ability to bind tensin and talin. In cancer, these anti-oncogenic effects of CDK5 can provide selective pressure for the down-regulation of DLC1, which occurs frequently in tumors, and can contribute to the pro-oncogenic activity of CDK5 in lung adenocarcinoma.


  • 甘油
  • 氯化钠
  • 十二烷基硫酸钠
  • 氯化镁
  • 去氧胆酸钠
  • 氯化钠-35cl
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  • 4-叔辛基苯酚单氧化...
  • 4',6-二脒基-2-苯基...
  • Roscovitine


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