Bioresource Technology 2015-09-01

The influence of pretreatment methods on saccharification of sugarcane bagasse by an enzyme extract from Chrysoporthe cubensis and commercial cocktails: A comparative study.

Gabriela Piccolo Maitan-Alfenas, Evan Michael Visser, Rafael Ferreira Alfenas, Bráulio Ris G Nogueira, Guilherme Galvão de Campos, Adriane Ferreira Milagres, Ronald P de Vries, Valéria Monteze Guimarães

文献索引:Bioresour. Technol. 192 , 670-6, (2015)



Biomass enzymatic hydrolysis depends on the pretreatment methods employed, the composition of initial feedstock and the enzyme cocktail used to release sugars for subsequent fermentation into ethanol. In this study, sugarcane bagasse was pretreated with 1% H2SO4 and 1% NaOH and the biomass saccharification was performed with 8% solids loading using 10 FPase units/g of bagasse of the enzymatic extract from Chrysoporthe cubensis and three commercial cocktails for a comparative study. Overall, the best glucose and xylose release was obtained from alkaline pretreated sugarcane bagasse. The C. cubensis extract promoted higher release of glucose (5.32 g/L) and xylose (9.00 g/L) than the commercial mixtures. Moreover, the C. cubensis extract presented high specific enzyme activities when compared to commercial cocktails mainly concerning to endoglucanase (331.84 U/mg of protein), β-glucosidase (29.48 U/mg of protein), β-xylosidase (2.95 U/mg of protein), pectinase (127.46 U/mg of protein) and laccase (2.49 U/mg of protein).Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • 硫酸
  • 乙酸钠
  • 氢氧化钠
  • 无水氯化钙
  • 3-乙基-2,4-戊烷二...
  • D(+)-无水葡萄糖
  • 硫酸镁
  • 磷酸二氢钾
  • 二水氯化钙
  • 3,5-二硝基水杨酸


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