ChemPhysChem 2015-06-22

Iridium- and Osmium-decorated Reduced Graphenes as Promising Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution.

Chee Shan Lim, Zdeněk Sofer, Rou Jun Toh, Alex Yong Sheng Eng, Jan Luxa, Martin Pumera

文献索引:ChemPhysChem 16 , 1898-905, (2015)



Renewable energy sources are highly sought after as a result of numerous worldwide problems concerning the environment and the shortage of energy. Currently, the focus in the field is on the development of catalysts that are able to provide water splitting catalysis and energy storage for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). While platinum is an excellent material for HER catalysis, it is costly and rare. In this work, we investigated the electrocatalytic abilities of various graphene-metal hybrids to replace platinum for the HER. The graphene materials were doped with 4f metals, namely, iridium, osmium, platinum and rhenium, as well as 3d metals, namely, cobalt, iron and manganese. We discovered that a few hybrids, in particular iridium- and osmium-doped graphenes, have the potential to become competent electrocatalysts owing to their low costs and-more importantly-to their promising electrochemical performances towards the HER. One of the more noteworthy observations of this work is the superiority of these two hybrids over MoS2 , a well-known electrocatalyst for the HER. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


  • 硫酸
  • 过氧化氢
  • 盐酸
  • 氢氧化钾
  • 硝酸钠
  • 氯铂酸铵
  • N,N-二甲基甲酰胺
  • 六水合硝酸钴
  • 氯铱酸铵
  • 氯锇酸铵


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