Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part A 2015-09-01

Varying RGD concentration and cell phenotype alters the expression of extracellular matrix genes in vocal fold fibroblasts.

Aaron M Kosinski, M Preeti Sivasankar, Alyssa Panitch

文献索引:J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 103 , 3094-100, (2015)



The impact of RGD integrin binding-peptide concentration and cell phenotype on directing extracellular matrix (ECM) gene expression in vocal fold fibroblasts is little understood. Less is known about cell response to RGD concentration on a biomaterial when fibroblasts are in a scar-like environment compared to a healthy environment. We investigated the effects of varying RGD integrin-binding peptide surface concentration on ECM gene expression of elastin, collagen type 3 alpha 1, decorin, fibronectin, hyaluronan synthase 2, and collagen type 1 alpha 2 in scarred and unscarred immortalized human vocal fold fibroblasts (I-HVFFs). Phenotype and RGD concentration affected ECM gene expression. Phenotype change from healthy to myofibroblast-like resulted in ECM gene up-regulation for all genes tested, except for decorin. Systematically altering RGD concentration affected the expression of elastin and collagen type 3 alpha 1 in a myofibroblast phenotype. Specifically greater up-regulation in gene expression was observed with higher RGD concentrations. This research demonstrates that controlling RGD concentration may influence ECM gene expression levels in fibroblasts. Such knowledge is critical in developing the next generation of bioactive materials that, when implanted into sites of tissue damage and scarring, will direct cells to regenerate healthy tissues with normal ECM ratios and morphologies.© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


  • 硫酸
  • 三氟乙酸(TFA)
  • 三异丙基硅烷


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