Bioresource Technology 2015-09-01

Effect of enzymatic pretreatment of various lignocellulosic substrates on production of phenolic compounds and biomethane potential.

Michel Schroyen, Han Vervaeren, Hanne Vandepitte, Stijn W H Van Hulle, Katleen Raes

文献索引:Bioresour. Technol. 192 , 696-702, (2015)



Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is necessary to enhance the hydrolysis, which is the rate-limiting step in biogas production. Laccase and versatile peroxidase are enzymes known to degrade lignin. Therefore, the impact of enzymatic pretreatment was studied on a variety of biomass. A significant higher release in total phenolic compounds (TPC) was observed, never reaching the inhibiting values for anaerobic digestion. The initial concentration of TPC was higher in the substrates containing more lignin, miscanthus and willow. The anaerobic digestion of these two substrates resulted in a significant lower biomethane production (68.8-141.7 Nl/kg VS). Other substrates, corn stover, flax, wheat straw and hemp reached higher biomethane potential values (BMP), between 241 and 288 Nl/kg VS. Ensilaged maize reached 449 Nl/kg VS, due to the ensilation process, which can be seen as a biological and acid pretreatment. A significant relation (R(2) = 0.89) was found between lignin content and BMP.Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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  • 氯化钠
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