Inflammation 2013-04-01

Neurogenic airway inflammation induced by repeated intra-esophageal instillation of HCl in guinea pigs.

Chunli Liu, Ruchong Chen, Wei Luo, Kefang Lai, Nanshan Zhong

文献索引:Inflammation 36(2) , 493-500, (2013)



This study was conducted to investigate if repeated intra-esophageal acid administrations may induce neurogenic inflammation in the airways and nodose ganglion in a guinea pig model. Guinea pigs were sedated and perfused with 0.1 N HCl in the distal esophagus via a nasoesophageal catheter for 14 consecutive days. Substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), neurokinin B (NKB), and calcitonin gene-related peptide concentration were measured by ELISA or radioimmunoassay. Neuropeptide expression in the airways and nodose ganglion was detected by immunohistochemistry and assessed semi-quantitatively. Inflammation was found in the trachea and bronchi. There was a threefold increase in substance P concentration in the trachea, main bronchi, and lung homogenate and a twofold increase in NKA and NKB concentration in the main bronchi, lung homogenate, and bronchial alveolus lavage fluid, respectively. The SP and NKA expressions in the airways and nodose ganglion were also significantly increased. Chronic intra-esophageal acid instillation induces significant neurogenic inflammation in the airways and nodose ganglion in the vagus nerve in guinea pigs.


  • 神经激肽B
  • 神经激肽A


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