Pest Management Science 2006-12-01

Relationship between esterase activity and acrinathrin and methiocarb resistance in field populations of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis.

Ana C Maymó, Amelia Cervera, M Dolores Garcerá, Pablo Bielza, Rafael Martínez-Pardo

文献索引:Pest Manag. Sci. 62(12) , 1129-37, (2006)



The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is a serious pest in the south-east of Spain owing to its direct feeding on crops, transmission of the tomato spotted wilt virus and its very high level of resistance to insecticides. Mechanisms of resistance were examined using field populations of F. occidentalis with different susceptibilities to acrinathrin, methiocarb (selective insecticides), endosulfan, metamidophos and deltamethrin (broad-spectrum insecticides). Esterase activity towards alpha-naphthyl acetate and p-nitrophenyl acetate in resistant strains was significantly higher than in the reference strain (MLFOM) for both model substrates. This higher activity was significantly correlated with acrinathrin and methiocarb resistance.Copyright 2006 Society of Chemical Industry.


  • 氟丙菊酯
  • 灭虫威
  • 乙酸-1-萘酯


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