Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 2006-03-01

Consumer product in vitro digestion model: Bioaccessibility of contaminants and its application in risk assessment.

Esther F A Brandon, Agnes G Oomen, Cathy J M Rompelberg, Carolien H M Versantvoort, Jacqueline G M van Engelen, Adrienne J A M Sips

文献索引:Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 44(2) , 161-71, (2006)



This paper describes the applicability of in vitro digestion models as a tool for consumer products in (ad hoc) risk assessment. In current risk assessment, oral bioavailability from a specific product is considered to be equal to bioavailability found in toxicity studies in which contaminants are usually ingested via liquids or food matrices. To become bioavailable, contaminants must first be released from the product during the digestion process (i.e. become bioaccessible). Contaminants in consumer products may be less bioaccessible than contaminants in liquid or food. Therefore, the actual risk after oral exposure could be overestimated. This paper describes the applicability of a simple, reliable, fast and relatively inexpensive in vitro method for determining the bioaccessibility of a contaminant from a consumer product. Different models, representing sucking and/or swallowing were developed. The experimental design of each model can be adjusted to the appropriate exposure scenarios as determined by the risk assessor. Several contaminated consumer products were tested in the various models. Although relevant in vivo data are scare, we succeeded to preliminary validate the model for one case. This case showed good correlation and never underestimated the bioavailability. However, validation check needs to be continued.


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