Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015-05-13

Influence of Grape Composition on Red Wine Ester Profile: Comparison between Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz Cultivars from Australian Warm Climate.

Guillaume Antalick, Katja Šuklje, John W Blackman, Campbell Meeks, Alain Deloire, Leigh M Schmidtke

文献索引:J. Agric. Food Chem. 63 , 4664-72, (2015)



The relationship between grape composition and subsequent red wine ester profile was examined. Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz, from the same Australian very warm climate vineyard, were harvested at two different stages of maturity and triplicate wines were vinified. Grape analyses focused on nitrogen and lipid composition by measuring 18 amino acids by HPLC-FLD, 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and 6 C6-compounds derived from lipid degradation by GC-MS. Twenty esters and four higher alcohols were analyzed in wines by HS-SPME-GC-MS. Concentrations of the ethyl esters of branched acids were significantly affected by grape maturity, but the variations were inconsistent between cultivars. Small relative variations were observed between wines for ethyl esters of fatty acids, whereas higher alcohol acetates displayed the most obvious differences with concentrations ranging from 1.5- to 26-fold higher in Shiraz than in Cabernet Sauvignon wines regardless of the grape maturity. Grape analyses revealed the variations of wine ester composition might be related to specific grape juice nitrogen composition and lipid metabolism. To the authors' knowledge the present study is the first to investigate varietal differences in the ester profiles of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon wines made with grapes harvested at different maturity stages.


  • 氢氧化钠
  • 抗坏血酸
  • 3-乙基-2,4-戊烷二...
  • 乙酸乙酯
  • 苯乙酸乙酯
  • 顺式-3-己烯醛
  • 叶醇
  • 正己醇
  • 正癸酸
  • 正己醛


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