Journal of Neuroscience 2014-08-20

Neuronal somata and extrasomal compartments play distinct roles during synapse formation between Lymnaea neurons.

Fenglian Xu, Collin C Luk, Ryanne Wiersma-Meems, Kelly Baehre, Cameron Herman, Wali Zaidi, Noelle Wong, Naweed I Syed

文献索引:J. Neurosci. 34(34) , 11304-15, (2014)



Proper synapse formation is pivotal for all nervous system functions. However, the precise mechanisms remain elusive. Moreover, compared with the neuromuscular junction, steps regulating the synaptogenic program at central cholinergic synapses remain poorly defined. In this study, we identified different roles of neuronal compartments (somal vs extrasomal) in chemical and electrical synaptogenesis. Specifically, the electrically synapsed Lymnaea pedal dorsal A cluster neurons were used to study electrical synapses, whereas chemical synaptic partners, visceral dorsal 4 (presynaptic, cholinergic), and left pedal dorsal 1 (LPeD1; postsynaptic) were explored for chemical synapse formation. Neurons were cultured in a soma-soma or soma-axon configuration and synapses explored electrophysiologically. We provide the first direct evidence that electrical synapses develop in a soma-soma, but not soma-axon (removal of soma) configuration, indicating the requirement of gene transcription regulation in the somata of both synaptic partners. In addition, the soma-soma electrical coupling was contingent upon trophic factors present in Lymnaea brain-conditioned medium. Further, we demonstrate that chemical (cholinergic) synapses between soma-soma and soma-axon pairs were indistinguishable, with both exhibiting a high degree of contact site and target cell type specificity. We also provide direct evidence that presynaptic cell contact-mediated, clustering of postsynaptic cholinergic receptors at the synaptic site requires transmitter-receptor interaction, receptor internalization, and a protein kinase C-dependent lateral migration toward the contact site. This study provides novel insights into synaptogenesis between central neurons revealing both distinct and synergistic roles of cell-cell signaling and extrinsic trophic factors in executing the synaptogenic program. Copyright © 2014 the authors 0270-6474/14/3411304-12$15.00/0.


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