Journal Of Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine 2015-04-01

Hydrogels as feeder-free scaffolds for long-term self-renewal of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells.

Jing Jing Yang, Jian Fang Liu, Takayuki Kurokawa, Kazuhiro Kitada, Jian Ping Gong

文献索引:J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 9(4) , 375-88, (2015)



Expanding undifferentiated induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in vitro is a basic requirement for application of iPS cells in both fundamental research and clinical regeneration. In this study, we intended to establish a simple, low cost and efficient method for the long-term self-renewal of mouse induced pluripotent stem (miPS) cells without using feeder-cells and adhesive proteins. Three scaffolds were selected for the long-term subculture of miPS cells over two months starting from passages 14 to 29: 1) a gelatin coated polystyrene (Gelatin-PS) that is a widely used scaffold for self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells; 2) a neutral hydrogel poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) (PDMAAm); and 3) a negatively charged hydrogel poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-propane sulfonic acid sodium salt) (PNaAMPS). Each passaged miPS cells on these scaffolds were cryopreserved successfully and the revived cells showed high viability and proliferation. The passaged miPS cells maintained a high undifferentiated state on all three scaffolds and a high level of pluripotency by expressing differentiation markers in vitro and forming teratomas in SCID mice with derivatives of all three germ layers. Compared to Gelatin-PS, the two hydrogels exhibited much better self-renewal performance in terms of high proliferation rate and level of expression of undifferentiated gene markers as well as efficiency in pluripotent teratoma formation. Furthermore, the PNaAMPS hydrogel demonstrated a slightly higher efficiency and simpler operation of cell expansion than the PDMAAm hydrogel. To conclude, PNaAMPS hydrogel is an excellent feeder-free scaffold because of its simplicity, low cost and high efficiency in expanding a large number of miPS cells in vitro.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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