Autophagy 2014-09-01

Autophagy-inducing peptides from mammalian VSV and fish VHSV rhabdoviral G glycoproteins (G) as models for the development of new therapeutic molecules.

Pablo García-Valtanen, María Del Mar Ortega-Villaizán, Alicia Martínez-López, Regla Medina-Gali, Luis Pérez, Simon Mackenzie, Antonio Figueras, Julio M Coll, Amparo Estepa

文献索引:Autophagy 10(9) , 1666-80, (2014)



It has not been elucidated whether or not autophagy is induced by rhabdoviral G glycoproteins (G) in vertebrate organisms for which rhabdovirus infection is lethal. Our work provides the first evidence that both mammalian (vesicular stomatitis virus, VSV) and fish (viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus, VHSV, and spring viremia carp virus, SVCV) rhabdoviral Gs induce an autophagic antiviral program in vertebrate cell lines. The transcriptomic profiles obtained from zebrafish genetically immunized with either Gsvcv or Gvhsv suggest that autophagy is induced shortly after immunization and therefore, it may be an important component of the strong antiviral immune responses elicited by these viral proteins. Pepscan mapping of autophagy-inducing linear determinants of Gvhsv and Gvsv showed that peptides located in their fusion domains induce autophagy. Altogether these results suggest that strategies aimed at modulating autophagy could be used for the prevention and treatment of rhabdoviral infections such as rabies, which causes thousands of human deaths every year.


  • 氯化钠
  • 甲醛
  • 二甲基亚砜
  • 雷帕霉素
  • L-谷氨酰胺
  • 3-乙氧酰基苯胺甲磺...
  • 曲拉通X-100
  • 氯化钠-35cl
  • 茶皂素
  • 硫柳汞钠


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