Experimental Lung Research 2012-06-01

Neuromodulation mediated by the tachykinin NK3-receptor agonist [MePhe7]-neurokinin B in the isolated perfused lung of nonsensitized nonchallenged and ovalbumin-sensitized and -challenged guinea pig.

Michel R Corboz, Maria A Rivelli, Xiomara Fernandez, Scott Greenfeder

文献索引:Exp. Lung Res. 38(5) , 233-49, (2012)



The neuromodulatory action of the tachykinin NK(3)-receptor agonist [MePhe(7)]-neurokinin B ([MePhe(7)]-NKB) was evaluated on vagal stimulation-induced bronchoconstriction in nonsensitized nonchallenged and ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized and -challenged guinea pig using the isolated perfused lung preparation. Lungs were placed inside a warmed (37°C) glass chamber and suspended from a force displacement transducer (Grass FT-03) with both vagi connected to a stimulating electrode. Isolated lungs were stimulated at a constant voltage (20 V) and pulse duration (5 ms) with electrical stimulation frequencies ranging from 1 to 128 Hz. The authors demonstrated that vagal stimulation produced frequency-dependent bronchoconstriction and [MePhe(7)]-NKB, at a dose (0.1 μM) that does not produce bronchoconstriction by itself, potentiated the vagally induced bronchoconstriction at all frequencies in nonsensitized nonchallenged animals and to a greater extent in OVA-sensitized and -challenged guinea pigs; the potentiations were totally inhibited by the tachykinin NK(3)-receptor antagonist SR 142801 (1 μM). In a second set of experiments, [MePhe(7)]-NKB produced bronchoconstriction in a dose-dependent (1 to 300 μg/mL) manner with similar potencies and maximum responses in nonsensitized nonchallenged (EC(50) = 8.6 ± 1.1 μM; E(Max) = 61.1 ± 3.5 mm Hg) and OVA-sensitized and -challenged (EC(50) = 8.5 ± 1.3 μM; E(Max) = 63.5 ± 3.7 mm Hg) animals. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that [MePhe(7)]-NKB potentiated vagal stimulation-induced bronchoconstriction via the tachykinin NK(3)-receptors and OVA sensitization caused development of airway hyperresponsiveness in these potentiations. However, OVA sensitization had no effect on airway responsiveness of vagal stimulation-and [MePhe(7)]-NKB-induced bronchoconstrictions.


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