Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2015-01-01

Accumulation of lipid in rat liver was induced by vitamin B₆ deficiency and was ameliorated by supplemental phosphatidylcholine in the diet.

Erina Kitagawa, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Kohei Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Nakagawa, Takashi Hayakawa

文献索引:Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 79 , 1320-6, (2015)



We investigated the efficacy of supplementing the diet with pteroylmonoglutamic acid (PGA), choline, or phosphatidylcholine (PC) in ameliorating the lipid accumulation in rat liver that is induced by vitamin B6 (B6) deficiency. In Experiment 1, male Wistar rats were fed a control, B6-deficient, or PGA-, choline-, or PC-supplemented (10 mg, 4 g, and 6.3 g/kg of diet, respectively) B6-deficient diet containing l-methionine at 9 g/kg of diet for 35 days. In Experiment 2, rats were fed a control, B6-deficient, or PC-supplemented (at 3.15, 6.3, or 12.6 g PC/kg of diet) B6-deficient diet for 35 days. Choline or PC supplementation ameliorated liver lipid deposition and returned plasma lipids to normal. Judging from these results, it appeared that B6 deficiency decreased the synthesis of PC in the liver, thereby decreasing the secretion of very low-density lipoproteins, and in consequence producing lipid accumulation in the liver and reductions of plasma lipids.


  • 维生素A醋酸酯
  • 庚烷磺酸钠
  • 乙腈
  • 甲醇
  • N-乙酰半胱氨酸
  • 胆固醇
  • 7-氟苯呋咱-4-磺酰...
  • 维生素B6
  • 重酒石酸胆碱


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