Nature Protocols 2008-01-01

Preparation of the membrane-permeant biarsenicals FlAsH-EDT2 and ReAsH-EDT2 for fluorescent labeling of tetracysteine-tagged proteins.

Stephen R Adams, Roger Y Tsien

文献索引:Nat. Protoc. 3(9) , 1527-34, (2008)



The membrane-permeant fluorogenic biarsenicals FlAsH-EDT(2) and ReAsH-EDT(2) can be prepared in good yields by a straightforward two-step procedure from the inexpensive precursor dyes fluorescein and resorufin, respectively. Handling of toxic reagents such as arsenic trichloride is minimized so the synthesis can be carried out in a typical chemistry laboratory, usually taking about 2-3 d. A wide range of other biarsenical reagents and intermediates that also bind to tetracysteine-tagged (CysCysProGlyCysCys) proteins can be prepared similarly using this general procedure.


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