Modifications of erythrocyte membrane hydration induced by organic tin compounds.
Romuald Zyłka, Halina Kleszczyńska, Justyna Kupiec, Dorota Bonarska-Kujawa, Jerzy Hladyszowski, Stanislaw Przestalski
文献索引:Cell Biol. Int. 33(7) , 801-6, (2009)
A study on the effects of selected organic chlorides of tin on the extent of hydration of the lipid bilayer of erythrocyte ghosts from pig blood is presented. The following compounds were used, dibutyltin dichloride (DBT), tributyltin chloride (TBT), diphenyltin dichloride (DPhT) and triphenyltin chloride (TPhT). The degree of membrane hydration was measured by the ATR FTIR technique, which makes it possible to estimate the level of carbonyl and phosphate group hydration in lipids of membranes. Other measurements were made with a fluorescence technique involving a laurdan probe. Tin organic compounds caused dehydration of the lipid bilayer of ghosts in the region of the carbonyl groups. DBT and TBT produced weak dehydration in the region of the phosphate group, whereas DPhT and TPhT increased hydration. The results allow one to determine the location of organotin compounds within a membrane, and show that TBT penetrates the membrane the deepest and DBT the shallowest. Phenyl tin compounds penetrate membranes to an intermediate depth. The results obtained indicate that the destructive properties of the organometallic compounds depend mostly on their effect on hydration of the membrane.
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