Journal of Economic Entomology 2005-10-01

Identification of volatile emissions from Platypus mutatus (=sulcatus) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) and their behavioral activity.

Paola Gonzalez Audino, Raul Villaverde, Rene Alfaro, E Zerba

文献索引:J. Econ. Entomol. 98(5) , 1506-9, (2005)



We report here the identification and behavioral activity of volatile compounds emitted by male Platypus mutatus (=sulcatus) Chapuis while boring galleries in living poplar, Populus deltoides Marshall, trees. Headspace analysis using solid phase microextraction techniques showed the presence of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol (sulcatol) and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (sulcatone). Only one enantiomer of sulcatol, retusol, was found to be part of the volatile emission. Behavioral assays showed that females are more attracted than males to galleries with boring males inside. Both sulcatol and sulcatone elicited electroantennographic responses by female P. mutatus. Furthermore, behavioral bioassays showed that both sulcatol and sulcatone elicit behaviorally attractive responses by females. These results suggest that male P. mutatus releases a sex pheromone composed mainly of retusol and sulcatone.


  • 甲基庚烯酮
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