Medical Physics 1987-01-01

High-resolution digital x-ray detector utilizing a discrete array of CdWO4 scintillators and a self-scanned photodiode array.

S L Fritz, L T Cook

文献索引:Med. Phys. 14(2) , 244-8, (1987)



A high-resolution x-ray detector array for x-ray imaging is described. It consists of a discrete array of CdWO4 scintillators and a Reticon 1024S photodiode array with a fiber-optic faceplate. The scintillator elements measure 0.099 X 3 X 4 mm and are bonded together with aluminum foil separators to minimize light crossover. Detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of individual detector channels was 0.38. Systematic variations between channels were substantial. With only a simple correction for between channel variations, DQE for the entire array was 0.04. Evaluation of the edge response function of the array showed that resolution is similar to a detector whose line spread function is Gaussian with a standard deviation of 0.172 mm.


  • 钨酸镉


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Performance characterization of a MVCT scanner using multislice thick, segmented cadmium tungstate-photodiode detectors.


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