Chemical Communications 2011-10-21

Increased open circuit voltage in fluorinated benzothiadiazole-based alternating conjugated polymers.

Yong Zhang, Shang-Chieh Chien, Kung-Shih Chen, Hin-Lap Yip, Ying Sun, Joshua A Davies, Fang-Chung Chen, Alex K-Y Jen

文献索引:Chem. Commun. (Camb.) 47 , 11026-11028, (2011)



Small band-gap conjugated polymers based on monofluoro- and difluoro-substituted benzothiadiazole were developed. Highly efficient polymer solar cells (PCE as high as 5.40%) could be achieved for devices made from these polymers.


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Synthesis of PCDTBT-based fluorinated polymers for high open-circuit voltage in organic photovoltaics: towards an understanding of relationships between polymer energy levels engineering and ideal morphology control.


[ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6(10) , 7523-7534, (2014)]

Silaindacenodithiophene-Based Low Band Gap Polymers - The Effect of Fluorine Substitution on Device Performances and Film Morphologies Schroeder, Bob C.; Huang, Zhenggang; Ashraf, Raja Shahid; Smith, Jeremy; et al

[Adv. Funct. Mater. 22(8) , 1663-1670, (2012)]
