Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory 2006-04-06

Bilateral, difunctional nanosphere aggregates and their assembly mediated by polymer chains.

S M Barber, P J Costanzo, N W Moore, T E Patten, K S Lancaster, C B Lebrilla, T L Kuhl

文献索引:J. Phys. Chem. A 110 , 4538-4542, (2006)



We have developed an efficient method for producing difunctional, bilateral nanospheres. A monolayer of nanoparticles was prepared followed by deposition of a thin layer of metal. By varying the base particle and metal deposited, bilateral nanoparticles were formed. The different regions of the nanoparticles were selectively functionalized with polymer linkers containing specific terminal groups, thereby creating bilateral, difunctional nanoparticles. Subsequent covalent cross-linking of different nanoparticles enabled the formation of stable architectures with programmed hierarchy and controlled chemical composition.


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