Journal of Forensic Sciences 2007-05-01

Enhancement of ninhydrin- or DFO-treated latent fingerprints on thermal paper.

Lothar Schwarz, Inga Klenke

文献索引:J. Forensic Sci. 52 , 649-655, (2007)



A new method for enhancement of ninhydrin or 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO)-treated latent fingerprints on thermal paper will be described. Most thermosensitive surfaces of thermal paper become dark when treated with DFO or ninhydrin petroleum ether (NPB) solution. This effect minimizes contrast between the developed fingerprints and the background. The new method described reduces this dark staining without removing the thermosensitive layer and parts of the developed fingerprints, as occurs with acetone washing. Through the new method, the developed fingerprints appear in sharp lines and high contrast. Extensive tests were performed, leading to an optimized working solution, which charges the paper with a minimum of chemicals, is cheap, and enables a large quantity of papers to be treated in a short time. The working solution contains commercially available, nonvolatile, nitrogenous organic compounds and can be used like the application of NPB solution by dipping.


  • 1,8-二氮杂-9-芴酮
  • 4-吡咯烷基吡啶
  • 1-氮杂环辛-2-酮
  • N-环己基吡咯烷酮


Study of the reaction mechanism of 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one with the amino acid, L-alanine.


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