Hematological Oncology 2013-06-01

The more basic isoform of eEF1A relates to tumour cell phenotype and is modulated by hyper-proliferative/differentiating stimuli in normal lymphocytes and CCRF-CEM T-lymphoblasts.

Bruna Scaggiante, Barbara Dapas, Gabriele Pozzato, Gabriele Grassi

文献索引:Hematol. Oncol. 31(2) , 370-6, (2013)



The elongation factor 1A proteins (eEF1A1/A2) are known to play a role in tumours. We previously found that a more basic isoform of eEF1A (MBI-eEF1A) is present in the cytoskeletal/nuclear-enriched extracts of CCRF-CEM T-lymphoblasts but not in those of normal lymphocytes. To obtain deeper knowledge about MBI-eEF1A biology, we investigate from which of the eEF1A proteins, eEF1A1 or eEF1A2, MBI-eEF1A originates and the possibility that its appearance can be modulated by the differentiated or proliferative cell status. CCRF-CEM T-lymphoblasts and normal lymphocytes were cultured with or without differentiation/pro-proliferative stimuli (Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate (PMA) alone or the combination of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) with PMA, respectively), and the presence of MBI-eEF1A evaluated together with that of the eEF1A1/A2 mRNAs. Our data indicate that the MBI-eEF1A may derive from eEF1A1 as eEF1A2 is not expressed in CCRF-CEM and normal lymphocytes. Moreover, MBI-eEF1A is inducible in normal lymphocytes upon hyper-proliferative stimuli application; in CCRF-CEM, its presence can be abrogated by PMA-induced differentiation. Finally, MBI-eEF1A may have a functional role in hyper-proliferating/tumour cells as its disappearance reduces the growth of CCRF-CEM and that of PHA/PMA-stimulated lymphocytes. The presented data suggest that MBI-eEF1A may be related to oncogenic cell phenotype, rising the possibility to use MBI-eEF1A as target for novel therapeutic strategies.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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