Journal of Natural Products 2009-05-22

Cytotoxic and HIF-1alpha inhibitory compounds from Crossosoma bigelovii.

Paul Klausmeyer, Qin Zhou, Dominic A Scudiero, Badarch Uranchimeg, Giovanni Melillo, John H Cardellina, Robert H Shoemaker, Ching-Jer Chang, Thomas G McCloud

文献索引:J. Nat. Prod. 72(5) , 805-12, (2009)



Cytotoxicity-guided fractionation of an organic solvent extract of the plant Crossosoma bigelovii led to the discovery of a new strophanthidin glycoside (1) and two new 2-methylchromone glycosides (2 and 3). Also isolated were the known chromones eugenin and noreugenin, the indole alkaloid ajmalicine, the dibenzylbutane lignan secoisolariciresinol, the dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan matairesinol, and the furanone 5-tetradec-5-enyldihydrofuran-2-one. Further investigation into the biological properties of strophanthidin glycosides revealed a connection between inhibition of HIF-1 activation and the glycosylation of the genin. This work is the first published study of the bioactive phytochemicals of the family Crossosomataceae.


  • 开环异落叶松树脂酚
  • 罗汉松树脂酚


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