Analytical Biochemistry 1990-09-01

Further studies on the mechanism of phenol-sulfuric acid reaction with furaldehyde derivatives.

P Rao, T N Pattabiraman

文献索引:Anal. Biochem. 189(2) , 178-81, (1990)



Even though the chromogens formed from mannose and galactose showed comparable absorbances at 480 nm in the conventional (developer present during heat of dilution) and modified (developer reacted at room temperature after cooling; epsilon mannose = 13,700, galactose = 14,000) phenol-sulfuric acid reactions, shoulders in the region 420-430 nm were prominent in the former method. Fucose was 10 times less reactive in the modified method (epsilon = 800) than in the conventional method. 2-Formyl-5-furan sulfonic acid reacted equally efficiently in the two methods (epsilon = 40,800). 5-Methyl-2-furaldehyde, unlike the sulfonate derivative or 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde, required heat for condensation with phenol. 2-Furaldehyde dimethylhydrazone reacted 25 times better to form a chromogen (epsilon = 40,500) in the modified phenol-sulfuric acid method. The possible roles of intermediates between hexoses and furaldehydes in forming chromogens and the effect of substitution at the 2- and 5-positions of furaldehyde on the rates of condensation with phenol for the observed differences between the conventional and the modified methods are discussed.


  • 5-甲基-2-糠醛
  • 2-糠醛二甲基腙


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