Clinical Chemistry 1979-10-01

Determination of 4-O-methylated catecholamine metabolites in urine by mass fragmentography.

F A Muskiet, D C Fremouw-Ottevangers, G T Nagel, B G Wolthers

文献索引:Clin. Chem. 25(10) , 1708-13, (1979)



We describe the determination of the 4-O-methylated catecholamine metabolites 4-methoxy-3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (iso-HVA), 4-methoxy-3-hydroxyphenylmandelic acid (iso-VMA) and 4-methoxy-3-hydroxyphenylethylene glycol (iso-MOPEG) in urine with use of mass fragmentography and deuterated internal standards. Normal values, expressed in terms of creatinine, are given as a function of age. Urinary excretion values during neuroblastoma, pheochromocytoma, and parkinsonism treated with L-DOPA, and during the intravenous administration of dopamine are discussed. For normal persons, the mean percentages (+/- SD) of 4-O-methylated metabolites relative to their 3-O-methylated analogs were 6.29 +/- 2.79% (iso-HVA/HVA), 0.70 +/- 0.57% (iso-VMA/VMA), and 0.77 +/- 0.53% (iso-MOPEG/MOPEG). We observed no significant changes in these parameters for the patients studied and conclude that the determination of 4-O-methylated catecholamine metabolites for these patients does not add information to the results obtained from their quantitatively more important 3-O-methylated analogs.


  • 3-羟基-4-甲氧基苯...


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