Organic Letters 2012-08-03

Biomass conversion to high value chemicals: from furfural to chiral hydrofuroins in two steps.

Anzhelika Kabro, Eduardo C Escudero-Adán, Vladimir V Grushin, Piet W N M van Leeuwen

文献索引:Org. Lett. 14(15) , 4014-7, (2012)



Catalytic asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of rac-furoin and furil produces hydrofuroin with up to 99% ee and 9:1 dr. This reaction provides an exceptionally easy access to optically active hydrofuroins in two straightforward steps from biomass-derived furfural (global production 200,000-300,000 t annually) using benzoin condensation.


  • 糠偶酰


Syntheses and spectroscopic studies on macrocyclic complexes of dioxomolybdenum (VI) with furil as precursor. Rao DP, et al.

[E-J. Chem. 9(2) , 497-503, (2012)]
