Journal of Biological Chemistry 1999-07-09

Activation of the cell death program by nitric oxide involves inhibition of the proteasome.

S Glockzin, A von Knethen, M Scheffner, B Brüne

文献索引:J. Biol. Chem. 274(28) , 19581-6, (1999)



The ubiquitin/proteasome pathway mediates the degradation of many short-lived proteins that are critically involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and cell death, including the tumor suppressor protein p53. Accumulation of p53 and induction of apoptosis in RAW 264.7 macrophages in response to nitric oxide are well established. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in nitric oxide-induced p53 accumulation are unknown. Here we show that, similar to nitric oxide, treatment of macrophages with specific proteasome inhibitors, including clastolactacystin-beta-lactone, induces p53 accumulation and apoptosis, suggesting that nitric oxide may affect the activity of the proteasome. In support of this hypothesis, both exposure of cells to S-nitrosoglutathione and stimulation of endogenous nitric oxide production by lipopolysaccharide/interferon-gamma treatment result in inhibition of proteasome activity as measured in vitro by the degradation of the proteasome-specific substrate succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-4-methylcoumarin-7-amide. Moreover, chemically diverse nitric oxide donors interfere with proteasome-mediated degradation of polyubiquitinated p53 in vitro. These data imply that nitric oxide-induced apoptosis and accumulation of p53 are, at least in part, mediated by inhibition of the proteasome.


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