Blood 2000-03-01

Lepirudin blunts endotoxin-induced coagulation activation.

T Pernerstorfer, U Hollenstein, J B Hansen, P Stohlawetz, H G Eichler, S Handler, W Speiser, B Jilma

文献索引:Blood 95 , 1729-1734, (2000)



During sepsis, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) triggers the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) via the tissue factor-dependent pathway of coagulation resulting in massive thrombin generation and fibrin polymerization. Recently, animal studies demonstrated that hirudin reduced fibrin deposition in liver and kidney and decreased mortality in LPS-induced DIC. Accordingly, the effects of recombinant hirudin (lepirudin) was compared with those caused by placebo on LPS-induced coagulation in humans. Twenty-four healthy male subjects participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study. Volunteers received 2 ng/kg LPS intravenously, followed by a bolus-primed continuous infusion of placebo or lepirudin (Refludan, bolus: 0.1 mg/kg, infusion: 0.1 mg/kg/h for 5 hours) to achieve a 2-fold prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). LPS infusion enhanced thrombin activity as evidenced by a 20-fold increase of thrombin-antithrombin complexes (TAT), a 6-fold increase of polymerized soluble fibrin, termed thrombus precursor protein (TpP), and a 4-fold increase in D-dimer. In the lepirudin group, TAT increased only 5-fold, TpP increased by only 50%, and D-dimer only slightly exceeded baseline values (P <.01 versus placebo). Concomitantly, lepirudin also blunted thrombin generation evidenced by an attenuated rise in prothrombin fragment levels (F(1 + 2), P <. 01 versus placebo) and blunted the expression of tissue factor on circulating monocytes. This experimental model proved the anticoagulatory potency of lepirudin in LPS-induced coagulation activation. Results from this trial provide a rationale for a randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of lepirudin in DIC. (Blood. 2000;95:1729-1734)


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