Analytical Biochemistry 2002-09-15

On-line drug-metabolism system using microsomes encapsulated in a capillary by the sol-gel method and integrated into capillary electrophoresis.

Kumiko Sakai-Kato, Masaru Kato, Toshimasa Toyo'oka

文献索引:Anal. Biochem. 308(2) , 278-84, (2002)



A novel microsome-encapsulation technique using the sol-gel method was developed for the on-line drug-metabolism analytical system integrated into capillary electrophoresis. This analytical system allows both the metabolism of drugs and the determination of the metabolites in a single capillary simultaneously. Microsomes isolated from rat liver were encapsulated in tetramethoxysilane-based silica matrices within a capillary in a single step under mild conditions. The availability of this system was evaluated using UDP-glucuronyltransferase, which is one of the most important microsomal enzymes. 4-Nitrophenol and testosterone, which were metabolized by the different isoforms of UDP-glucuronyltransferase, were used as substrates. The resultant monolithic reactor showed enzymatic activity at the same level as that of the soluble form. The following separation of the unreacted substrates and metabolites in the same capillary also showed high selectivity. Furthermore, the sample amount required for one analysis decreased more than 3 orders of magnitude from conventional reaction schemes in free solution. This on-line system could largely simplify the laborious procedures which were needed in conventional analytical schemes.


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