International Journal of Peptide and Protein Reseach 1986-02-01

Crystal and molecular structure of cyclo(L-prolyl-glycyl)3. A cyclic hexapeptide with a cis peptide bond.

G Kartha, S Aimoto, K I Varughese

文献索引:Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 27(2) , 112-7, (1986)



The crystal structure of cyclo(L-Pro-Gly)3 was solved using X-ray crystallographic techniques. The backbone of the peptide is asymmetric and is made up of five trans peptide units and one cis peptide. There is a hydrogen bonded water bridge that links the carbonyl oxygens, O1 and O4. The molecules exist as dimers in the crystal lattice. The two molecules of the dimer are related by crystallographic twofold symmetry and are linked by two N-H ... O hydrogen bonds. The crystals are trigonal, space group P3(2)12 with a = 11.379(3), c = 32.93(1) and z = 6. The structure was solved by multisolution methods and refined by least squares technique to an R of 0.083.


  • CYCLO(-PRO-GL...


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