FEBS Letters 1986-09-29

The modulation of cytochrome c electron self-exchange by site-specific chemical modification and anion binding.

D W Concar, H A Hill, G R Moore, D Whitford, R J Williams

文献索引:FEBS Lett. 206(1) , 15-9, (1986)



The site-specific chemical modification of horse heart cytochrome c at Lys-13 and -72 using 4-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (CDNB) increases the electron self-exchange rate of the protein. In the presence of 0.24 M cacodylate (pH* 7.0) the electron self-exchange rate constants, kex, measured by a 1H NMR saturation transfer method at 300 K, are 600, 6 X 10(3) and 6 X 10(4) M-1 X s-1 for native, CDNP-K13 and CDNP-K72 cytochromes c respectively. Repulsive electrostatic interactions, which inhibit cytochrome c electron self-exchange, are differentially affected by modification. Measurements of 1H NMR line broadening observed with partially oxidised samples of native cytochrome c show that ATP and the redox inert multivalent anion Co(CN)3-6 catalyse electron self-exchange. At saturation a limiting value of approximately 1.4 X 10(5) M-1 X s-1 is observed for both anions.


  • 钴氰化钾
  • 4-氯-3,5-二硝基苯...


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