Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 1999-04-26

Polycyclic nitroarenes (nitro-PAHs) as biomarkers of exposure to diesel exhaust.

I Zwirner-Baier, H G Neumann

文献索引:Mutat. Res. 441(1) , 135-44, (1999)



Diesel exhaust contains numerous genotoxic carcinogens. It is essentially unknown to which extent this source contributes to the total load of these chemicals in humans. One possible approach to the problem is to find suitable biomarkers. To this end five polycyclic mononitroarenes (nitro-PAH) were selected and methods developed to determine the sulfinic acid-type hemoglobin adducts they form in vivo. The nitro-PAHs are: 1-nitropyrene, 2-nitrofluorene, 3-nitrofluoranthene, 9-nitrophenanthrene, and 6-nitrochrysene. Hydrolysis of the hemoglobin adducts yields the respective arylamines which were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The detection limit was 0.01-0.08 pmol/g Hb. Blood samples were analyzed from 29 bus garage workers, occupationally exposed to diesel exhaust, and from 20 urban hospital workers and 14 rural council workers as controls. Hb adducts above the detection limit were found in most blood samples. The most abundant cleavage products were 1-aminopyrene and 2-aminofluorene with levels ranging from 0.01 to 0.68 pmol/g Hb. However, there was no significant difference between the groups for 1-nitropyrene and 2-nitrofluorene supporting the conclusion that both are widespread environmental contaminants resulting in significant background exposures. A significant difference on a group from individuals from urban and rural areas was found only if all five adducts were added, this may indicate an additional exposure from traffic. The new specific nitro-PAH Hb adducts are proposed to be used as biomarkers to trace the sources and to identify above-background exposures.Copyright 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


  • 3-硝基荧蒽
  • 6-硝基联苯
  • 2-硝基芴


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