Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1982-01-01

Synthesis of peptides by the solid-phase method. 7. Substance P and analogues.

A Fournier, R Couture, D Regoli, M Gendreau, S St-Pierre

文献索引:J. Med. Chem. 25 , 64, (1982)



Substance P and 21 related peptides containing isosteric or isofunctional groups were prepared by the solid-phase method. After purification by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography, the compounds were characterized by thin-layer chromatography, paper electrophoresis, and amino acid and elemental analysis. The biological activities of the peptides were evaluated in vitro on the guinea pig ileum, the rabbit mesenteric vein, and the dog common carotid artery and in vivo on the rat blood pressure. It is shown that the replacement of some residues in the undecapeptide substance P causes variable losses of apparent affinity with a little or no change in the intrinsic activity. All the analogues used in the present study were found to be inactive as antagonists.


  • ARG-PRO-LYS-P...


Synthesis of potent antagonists of substance P by modifying the methionyl and glutaminyl residues of its C-terminal hexapeptide and without using D-amino acids.


[Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 41 , 411-414, (1993)]

Biological activity of substance P methyl ester.


[Mol. Pharmacol. 20 , 457, (1981)]

Synthesis of a potent agonist of substance P by modifying the methionyl and glutaminyl residues of the C-terminal hexapeptide of substance P. Structure-activity relationships.


[Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 38 , 350-356, (1991)]

Synthesis of a potent antagonist of substance P by replacing the CH2SCH3 and the alpha-carboxamide groups of the methionine at [Orn6]-SP6-11 by benzyl ester groups.


[Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 42 , 565-569, (1993)]
