Biomedical mass spectrometry 1980-02-01

Profiles in altered metabolism. II--(omega -- 1)-hydroxyacid excretion in a case of episodic hypoglycemia.

O A Mamer, J A Montgomery, E Colle

文献索引:Biomed. Mass Spectrom. 7(2) , 53-7, (1980)



A patient with recurrent severe hypoglycemia resembling Reye's syndrome was found to have large accumulations of omega -- 1 hydroxy and keto acids in serum and urine that persisted following clinical recovery. A deficiency of mitochondrial medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase activity is proposed on the basis of evidence obtained using gas chromatographic mass spectrometric techniques. Analytical data is presented that will allow the recognition of ths variant presenting in other patients.


  • 7-酮基辛酸


Applications of high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to measurements of average oxygen to carbon ratios in secondary organic aerosols.


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Triacetone triperoxide (TATP): hapten design and development of antibodies.


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A Two-Step Synthesis of the “Queen Substance” of the Honey Bee. Ebert GW.

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