Parazitologiya 1989-01-01

[The action of a juvenile hormone synthetic analog--ether-farnesol on Xenopsylla cheopis fleas].

L S Ershova, O S Serzhanov, A P Kogerman, S I Zolotova, A F Tkachenko

文献索引:Parazitologia. 23(5) , 429-31, (1989)



The authors tested the effect of the analogue of juvenile hormone (AJH), ether-farnesol, synthesized at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of ESSR (the city of Tallin), on immature stages of X. cheopis. When testing the following doses of AJH (0.0025, 0.00025, 0.000025, 0.0000025 ml per lg of substrate, consisting of sand and dry bull blood, for feeding larvae) it was established that the dose of 0.0025 ml/g causes 100% mortality of insects on the 2nd day of the experiment. 10 fold decrease in ether-farnesol dose causes the mortality of the majority of larvae. Only 13.6% of them formed cocoons, which failed to produce mature individuals. A repeated 10 and 100 fold decrease of AJH caused mortality in 50.0 and 46.7% of insects, respectively. The effect of the preparation stipulated the disturbance of the normal course of metamorphosis (changes in the data of phases replacement and the mortality of insects during their moulting).


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