Interconversion of (S)-glutamate and (2S,3S)-3-methylaspartate: a distinctive B(12)-dependent carbon-skeleton rearrangement.
S D Wetmore, D M Smith, B T Golding, L Radom
文献索引:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123(33) , 7963-72, (2001)
The interconversion of (S)-glutamate and (2S,3S)-3-methylaspartate catalyzed by B(12)-dependent glutamate mutase is discussed using results from high-level ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Evidence is presented regarding the possible role of coenzyme-B(12) in substrate activation and product formation via radical generation. Calculated electron paramagnetic resonance parameters support experimental evidence for the involvement of substrate-derived radicals and will hopefully aid the future detection of other important radical intermediates. The height of the rearrangement barrier for a fragmentation-recombination pathway, calculated with a model that includes neutral amino and carboxylic acid substituents in the migrating glycyl group, supports recent experimental evidence for the interconversion of (S)-glutamate and (2S,3S)-3-methylaspartate through such a pathway. Our calculations suggest that the enzyme may facilitate the rearrangement of (S)-glutamate through (partial) proton-transfer processes that control the protonation state of substituents in the migrating group.
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