Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2004-04-01

Equilibrium and dynamic investigations of organic acids adsorption onto ion-exchange resins.

P Gluszcz, T Jamroz, B Sencio, S Ledakowicz

文献索引:Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng. 26 , 185-190, (2004)



The aim of the study was to determine properties of selected ion-exchange resins for citric and lactic acids recovery, to define sorption isotherms for these acids at different temperatures (in the range of 20-60 degrees C) and to determine diffusion coefficients inside sorbent particles. A mathematical model of the ion-exchange process in the chromatographic column and its experimental verification is also presented. During investigations 18 types of ion-exchange resins were tested. It was found that weakly basic resins were more suitable for the recovery process than strongly basic ones. The best resin for the separation of citric acid was Amberlite IRA-67 and for lactic acid Amberlite IRA-92. As a result of transient-state sorption experiments diffusion coefficients of the citric acid inside the sorbent particle at different temperatures were obtained. It was found that D(p) increased with the temperature by two times in the range of 20-60 degrees C, and its value at 60 degrees C was 7.2 x 10(-10) m(2)/s. The proposed mathematical model was applied to identify bed operation parameters in the column for the needs of the simulated moving bed chromatography method.


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