Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1990-07-01

Determination of plasma azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with oral azathioprine.

J Liliemark, B Pettersson, P Lafolie, T Zweig, C Peterson

文献索引:Ther. Drug Monit. 12(4) , 339-43, (1990)



Two specific high-performance liquid chromatography methods for determining plasma concentrations of azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine after oral administration of azathioprine are presented. It was shown that azathioprine is unstable in the blood samples unless immediately cooled in ice water. The 2-amino analog, guaneran, was used as internal standard for azathioprine, which was extracted from plasma with ethylacetate. A Nucleosil C18 column was used for the separation. The detection limit was 6 nM. For quantification of 6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine was used as internal standard. Plasma was deproteinized with HClO4 and the sample was purified on mercurial cellulose. A Beckman ODS column was used and the detection limit was 5 nM. Pharmacokinetic data from two patients are presented. Unchanged azathioprine was seen until 6 h after an oral dose of 32 mg/m2.


  • 硝咪硫鸟嘌呤


Nucleosides of azathioprine and thiamiprine as antiarthritics.


[J. Med. Chem. 32 , 1471-1475, (1989)]
