Biophysical Chemistry 2003-01-01

Physical-chemical features of non-detergent sulfobetaines active as protein-folding helpers.

Nicole Expert-Bezançon, Thierry Rabilloud, Laurent Vuillard, Michel E Goldberg

文献索引:Biophys. Chem. 100 , 469-479, (2003)



Some non-detergent sulfobetaines had been shown to prevent aggregation and improve the yield of active proteins when added to the buffer during in vitro protein renaturation. With the aim of designing more efficient folding helpers, a series of non-detergent sulfobetaines have been synthesized and their efficiency in improving the renaturation of a variety of proteins (E. coli tryptophan synthase and beta-D-galactosidase, hen lysozyme, bovine serum albumin, a monoclonal antibody) have been investigated. Attempts to correlate the structure of each sulfobetaines with its effect on folding revealed some molecular features that appear important in helping renaturation. This enabled us to design and synthesize new non-detergent sulfobetaines that act as potent folding helpers.


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