Current Medicinal Chemistry 2002-07-01

Effect of alpha-FMH and DPPE on colony-forming properties of human peripheral progenitor cells.

G Veszely, J Fürész, E Pállinger, B Horkay, A Falus

文献索引:Curr. Med. Chem. 9(14) , 1349-57, (2002)



Endogenous histamine regulates the haematopoiesis. Histidine decarboxylase inhibitor decreases the histamine level, and its intracellular antagonist decreases the histamine effect. The effect of histidine decarboxylase inhibitor (alpha-fluoromethyl histidine) and the intracellular antagonist of histamine [N'N-diethyl-2-4-(phenylmethyl) phenoxyethan-amine-HCl] was investigated on the colony-forming ability of human peripheral progenitor cells. Semi-solid culture medium was used both in the presence and in the absence of 3 U/ml erythropoietin. alpha-Fluoromethyl histidine was used in the range of 50 through 150 micro Mol/ml, the concentration of N'N-diethyl-2-4-(phenylmethyl) phenoxyethanamine-HCl was between 5 and 25 micro Mol/ml. The number of both the erythroide and the granulocyte macrophage colony was significantly decreased in a concentration dependent manner by the presence of both N'N-diethyl-2-4-(phenylmethyl) phenoxyethanamine-HCl (in all concentrations used) and &alpha-fluoromethyl histidine (at higher concentration). The inhibitory effect was decreased by erythropoietin.


  • 2-(4-Benzylphenoxy...


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