FAM hydrazide 5-isomer
FAM hydrazide 5-isomer用途
Many natural and synthetic molecules contain aldehyde or ketone carbonyl groups. These carbonyls react with hydrazides with the formation of hydrazones. The reaction is spontaneous at pH values around neutral, and the resulting hydrazones are very stable.
Compounds containing 1,2-diol function, like sugars, can be oxidized with sodium periodate with the formation of carbonyl compounds for the subsequent modification with hydrazides. This is an efficient method for the labeling of glycoproteins (like antibodies), and polysaccharides.
FAM hydrazide is a hydrazide label for the attachment of fluorescein, a bright dye for 488 nm channel, to carbonyl compounds
FAM hydrazide 5-isomer名称
FAM hydrazide 5-isomer物理化学性质
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[FAM hydrazide 5-isomer]化源网提供FAM hydrazide 5-isomerCAS号2183440-64-2,FAM hydrazide 5-isomerMSDS及其说明、性质、英文名、生产厂家、作用/用途、分子量、密度、沸点、熔点、结构式等。CAS号查询FAM hydrazide 5-isomer上化源网,专业又轻松。>>电脑版:FAM hydrazide 5-isomer
标题:2183440-64-2_FAM hydrazide 5-isomerCAS号:2183440-64-2_FAM hydrazide 5-isomer【结构式 性质 英文】 - 化源网 地址:https://m.chemsrc.com/mip/cas/2183440-64-2_1567604.html