Journal of Chromatographic Science 2014-10-01

Lipophilicity of amine neurotransmitter precursors, metabolites and related drugs estimated on various TLC plates.

Simona Codruţa Cobzac, Dorina Casoni, Costel Sârbu

文献索引:J. Chromatogr. Sci. 52(9) , 1095-103, (2014)



The retention behavior for a series of amine neurotransmitters, their precursors, metabolites and structurally related drugs has been investigated in reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography using RP-18, RP-8, RP-2, CN and Diol stationary phases and mixtures of phosphate buffer and methanol as mobile phase. According to the computed lipophilicity of the neutral form of the investigated compounds, the most lipophilic compound is dobutamine (log P(N) = 3.78), while the less lipophilic is norepinephrine (log P(N) = -0.14). The experimental results also show dobutamine as the most lipophilic compound in the case of RP-18 and CN stationary phases (RM0(RP-18) = 1.58 and RM(CN) = 1.21), while RP-8 indicates norepinephrine as the less lipophilic one (RM0(RP8) = -0.70). Both the theoretical computation and the experimental data revealed that only one ionic form of the compounds prevails in the used chromatographic conditions. In addition, the evaluation of the experimental results showed that a similar chromatographic behavior could be assumed in the case of RP-18, RP-8 and CN stationary phases. Moreover, the mRM (mean of the RM values) and PC1/RM (scores of the first principal component) experimental lipophilicity indices showed a high correlation with the computed lipophilicity indices. © The Author [2013]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:


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