谷丙转氨酶 来源于猪心脏

谷丙转氨酶 来源于猪心脏结构式
谷丙转氨酶 来源于猪心脏结构式
常用名 谷丙转氨酶 来源于猪心脏 英文名 Alanine aminotransferase
CAS号 9000-86-6 分子量 N/A
密度 N/A 沸点 N/A
分子式 N/A 熔点 N/A
MSDS 美版 闪点 N/A

Plasma level of atherogenic and anti-atherogenic factors among palm wine drinkers of rural southwest Nigeria.

Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. 41(4) , 337-47, (2012)

Scientific evidence indicates that light to moderate drinking on a daily basis may significantly reduce the risks of coronary heart disease (CHD). In contrast, excessive alcohol intake and binge drinking are toxic to both the heart and overall health. There i...

[Effect of cordyceps polysaccharide on lipid peroxidation of rats with dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis].

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 38(3) , 391-6, (2013)

To observe the pharmacological effect of Cordyceps polysaccharide on dimethylnitrosamine (DMN)-induced liver fibrosis in rats.DMN rat liver fibrosis model was established and divided into the normal group (N, n = 6), the model group (M, n = 11), the Cordyceps...

Platelet counts and liver enzymes after bariatric surgery.

J. Obes. 2013 , 567984, (2013)

Obesity is characterized by liver steatosis, chronic inflammation, and increased liver enzymes, that is, gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), markers for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and liver fat content. Increased ...

Association between histological findings, aminotransferase levels and viral genotype in chronic hepatitis C infection.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. 47(1) , 90-2, (2014)

The genomic heterogeneity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) influences liver disorders. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of HCV genotypes and to investigate the influence of these genotypes on disease progression.Blood samples and liver biopsies were col...

Etiology and epidemiology of obstructive jaundice in Continental Croatia.

Coll. Antropol. 37(1) , 131-3, (2013)

The etiology and epidemiology of obstructive jaundice in Continental Croatia has been studied in 174 patients. The objective of this research was also to explore the importance and efficiency of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) as a non-s...

Initial characterization of the human central proteome.

BMC Syst. Biol. 5 , 17, (2011)

On the basis of large proteomics datasets measured from seven human cell lines we consider their intersection as an approximation of the human central proteome, which is the set of proteins ubiquitously expressed in all human cells. Composition and properties...

Complete sequencing and characterization of 21,243 full-length human cDNAs.

Nat. Genet. 36 , 40-5, (2004)

As a base for human transcriptome and functional genomics, we created the "full-length long Japan" (FLJ) collection of sequenced human cDNAs. We determined the entire sequence of 21,243 selected clones and found that 14,490 cDNAs (10,897 clusters) were unique...

The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).

Genome Res. 14 , 2121-7, (2004)

The National Institutes of Health's Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) project was designed to generate and sequence a publicly accessible cDNA resource containing a complete open reading frame (ORF) for every human and mouse gene. The project initially used a r...

The effect of dietary supplementation with the natural carotenoids curcumin and lutein on broiler pigmentation and immunity.

Poult. Sci. 92(5) , 1177-85, (2013)

The objective of this study was to compare the effects of supplementation with 2 carotenoids, curcumin and lutein, on pigmentation and immunity in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated broiler chicks. Two hundred forty 1-d-old Arbor Acres broilers were randomly...

Hepatotoxicity of sub-nanosized platinum particles in mice.

Pharmazie 68(3) , 178-82, (2013)

Nano-sized materials are widely used in consumer products, medical devices and engineered pharmaceuticals. Advances in nanotechnology have resulted in materials smaller than the nanoscale, but the biologic safety of the sub-nanosized materials has not been fu...