
常用名 硫酸鱼精蛋白 英文名 Protamine Sulfate from Salmon sperm
CAS号 53597-25-4 分子量 N/A
密度 N/A 沸点 N/A
分子式 N/A 熔点 N/A
MSDS 美版 闪点 N/A

Microarrays of lentiviruses for gene function screens in immortalized and primary cells.

Nature Methods 3 , 117-22, (2006)

Here we describe lentivirus-infected cell microarrays for the high-throughput screening of gene function in mammalian cells. To create these arrays, we cultured mammalian cells on glass slides 'printed' with lentiviruses pseudotyped as vesicular stomatitis vi...

Novel siRNA delivery system to target podocytes in vivo.

PLoS ONE 5 , 9463, (2010)

Podocytes are injured in several glomerular diseases. To alter gene expression specifically in podocytes in vivo, we took advantage of their active endocytotic machinery and developed a method for the targeted delivery of small interfering ribonucleic acids (...

The design and evaluation of heparin-binding foldamers.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 44 , 6685-9, (2005)

Self-assembled carrageenan/protamine polyelectrolyte nanoplexes-Investigation of critical parameters governing their formation and characteristics.

Carbohydr. Polym. 123 , 339-49, (2015)

The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of cross-linker free polyelectrolyte complex formation at the nanoscale between carrageenan (CAR) and protamine (PROT). The properties of CAR/PROT nanoparticles (NPs) were dependent on the carrageenan ty...

Adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli to an α-peptide/β-peptoid peptidomimetic induces stable resistance.

PLoS ONE 8 , e73620, (2013)

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and synthetic analogues thereof target conserved structures of bacterial cell envelopes and hence, development of resistance has been considered an unlikely event. However, recently bacterial resistance to AMPs has been observed,...

Mixed Lineage Leukemia 5 (MLL5) Protein Stability Is Cooperatively Regulated by O-GlcNac Transferase (OGT) and Ubiquitin Specific Protease 7 (USP7).

PLoS ONE 10 , e0145023, (2015)

Mixed lineage leukemia 5 (MLL5) protein is a trithorax family histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferase that regulates diverse biological processes, including cell cycle progression, hematopoiesis and cancer. The mechanisms by which MLL5 protein stability i...