
常用名 PF-05089771 英文名 PF 05089771
CAS号 1430806-04-4 分子量 672.556
密度 N/A 沸点 N/A
分子式 C18H12Cl2FN5O3S2 熔点 N/A
MSDS 美版 闪点 N/A

Subtype-Selective Small Molecule Inhibitors Reveal a Fundamental Role for Nav1.7 in Nociceptor Electrogenesis, Axonal Conduction and Presynaptic Release.

PLoS ONE 11(4) , e0152405, (2016)

Human genetic studies show that the voltage gated sodium channel 1.7 (Nav1.7) is a key molecular determinant of pain sensation. However, defining the Nav1.7 contribution to nociceptive signalling has been hampered by a lack of selective inhibitors. Here we re...