常用名 Z-ILE-ILE-OH 英文名 Z-Ile-Ile
CAS号 42538-01-2 分子量 378.46300
密度 1.13g/cm3 沸点 598ºC at 760 mmHg
分子式 C20H30N2O5 熔点 N/A
MSDS 美版 闪点 315.5ºC

Amphipathic property of free thiol group contributes to an increase in the catalytic efficiency of carboxypeptidase Y.

Eur. J. Biochem. 269 , 3220-3225, (2002)

Cys341 of carboxypeptidase Y, which constitutes one side of the solvent-accessible surface of the S1 binding pocket, was replaced with Gly, Ser, Asp, Val, Phe or His by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analysis, using Cbz-dipeptide substrates, revealed that...

Debittering effect of Actinomucor elegans peptidases on soybean protein hydrolysates.

J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 35 , 41-47, (2008)

Effects of the enzymes in Actinomucor elegans extract and the enzyme Alcalase 2.4L on debittering the soybean protein hydrolysates were investigated. When the protein was treated only with the latter, a strong bitterness formed; but it decreased if the protei...

Characterization of a bifunctional aminoacylase/carboxypeptidase from radioresistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans R1.

J. Biotechnol. 128 , 322-334, (2007)

The gene encoding a Deinococcus radiodurans R1 bifunctional aminoacylase/carboxypeptidase (DR_ACY/CP) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and cloned into pQE-30 to generate pQE-DRAC. The cloned gene consists of an open reading frame of 1197 bp encoding...

Cathepsin A-like activity is possibly the main acidic carboxypeptidase in human platelets.

Platelets 8 , 355-360, (1997)

Human platelets were investigated for activity of the acidic carboxypeptidases: cathepsin A, lysosomal carboxypeptidase B and prolyl-carboxypeptidase. It was found that the main acidic carboxypeptidase in human platelets had cathepsin A activity. No activity ...