
常用名 柠檬酸钠 英文名 Sodium citrate
CAS号 68-04-2 分子量 258.069
密度 1.008 g/mL at 20 °C 沸点 N/A
分子式 C6H5Na3O7 熔点 300°C
MSDS 中文版 美版 闪点 N/A

Altered cytological parameters in buccal cells from individuals with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

Cytometry. A 85(8) , 698-708, (2014)

Previous studies have shown that mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may be reflective of the early stages of more pronounced neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). There is a need for a minimally invasive and inexpensive diagnostic to iden...

EGFR signaling downstream of EGF regulates migration, invasion, and MMP secretion of immortalized cells derived from human ameloblastoma.

Tumour Biol. 35(11) , 11107-20, (2014)

Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic tumor characterized by local invasiveness and frequent recurrence. The surrounding stroma, composed of different cell types and extracellular matrix (ECM), may influence ameloblastoma invasive behavior. Furthermore, tumor and s...

Transplantation of enteric neural stem/progenitor cells into the irradiated young mouse hippocampus.

Cell. Transplant. 23(12) , 1657-71, (2015)

Radiotherapy is an effective treatment for brain tumors but often results in cognitive deficits in survivors. Transplantation of embryonic or brain-derived neural stem/progenitor cells (BNSPCs) ameliorated cognitive impairment after irradiation (IR) in animal...

Long-distance retinoid signaling in the zebra finch brain.

PLoS ONE 9(11) , e111722, (2014)

All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), the main active metabolite of vitamin A, is a powerful signaling molecule that regulates large-scale morphogenetic processes during vertebrate embryonic development, but is also involved post-natally in regulating neural plasti...

Development of HIV-1 rectal-specific microbicides and colonic tissue evaluation.

PLoS ONE 9(7) , e102585, (2014)

The gastrointestinal tract is structurally and functionally different from the vagina. Thus, the paradigm of topical microbicide development and evaluation has evolved to include rectal microbicides (RMs). Our interest was to create unique RM formulations to ...

Dimethyl sulphoxide and Ca2+ stimulate assembly of Vibrio cholerae FtsZ.

Biochimie 105 , 64-75, (2014)

We cloned, overexpressed and purified Vibrio cholerae FtsZ protein for the first time. We used several complementary techniques to probe and compare the comparative assembly properties of recombinant Vibrio cholerae FtsZ (VcFtsZ) and Escherichia coli FtsZ (Ec...

The HMGB1 protein sensitizes colon carcinoma cells to cell death triggered by pro-apoptotic agents.

Int. J. Oncol. 46(2) , 667-76, (2014)

The HMGB1 protein has multiple functions in tumor biology and can act both as a transcription factor and as a cytokine. HMGB1 is released during cell death, and in our previous studies we demonstrated that HMGB1 induces a distinct, necrosis-like cell death in...

Nucleolar targeting by platinum: p53-independent apoptosis follows rRNA inhibition, cell-cycle arrest, and DNA compaction.

Mol. Pharm. 12(1) , 287-97, (2015)

TriplatinNC is a highly positively charged, substitution-inert derivative of the phase II clinical anticancer drug, BBR3464. Such substitution-inert complexes form a distinct subset of polynuclear platinum complexes (PPCs) interacting with DNA and other biomo...

Hydrophobic and charged residues in the C-terminal arm of hepatitis C virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase regulate initiation and elongation.

J. Virol. 89(4) , 2052-63, (2015)

The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is essential for viral genome replication. Crystal structures of the HCV RdRp reveal two C-terminal features, a β-loop and a C-terminal arm, suitably located for involvement in positioning com...

Phytoestrogens induce differential effects on both normal and malignant human breast cells in vitro.

Climacteric 17(6) , 682-91, (2014)

To explore the effect and pathway of phytoestrogens in vitro on the growth of both normal and malignant breast cells.Normal breast MCF-10A cells and breast cancer MCF-7 cells were incubated with 10 (-10)-10(-4)  mol/l genistein, resveratrol, and quercetin (pl...